Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Lindy Hop

During the Harlem Renaissance dance was a huge part of the culture and a way of life. Of the many famous dances, the lindy hop became one of the most popular. The lindy hop is a form of swing dance that was extremely popular during the Harlem Renaissance. It is said that it originated from mixing African rhythms with more formal European partner dance. It was influenced by the Charleston, tap dance, jazz, and ballet to form a six and eight count sequence. One of the reasons it was so popular was because of its multi-faceted background and that it was wild and promiscuous, just like the era. Many of the dancers would even break away from their partners and add in their own signature moves so every dance was never the same.
Many believe that the black community in Harlem took to dance as a way to get away from racial discrimination and monotonous, low-paying jobs; if they were good, they would dance for money. There were things called rent parties where people would host parties and sing and dance in ones own household and charge for admittance. This would essentially pay for their rent and began a culture rich with life, music, and dance.
I really enjoyed learning swing dance in our class but the lindy hop seems crazy and challenging. I’m especially into the Harlem Renaissance’s dance scene because dance isn’t something I’ve explored in depth yet, but I’m definitely into it. These dances really inspire me.


  1. i really liked the video, its really neat looking for how the influences you talked about surfaced in the lindy hop. also i thought the rent parties you brought up sounded awesome, its so cool how lively the community seemed to be back then.

  2. the video didn't show up....
    glad you liked dancing in class! swing and lindy ARE pretty difficult to master. i hope you get more into dance (maybe just a little bit more!)
    overall very lovely blog
